field trips
fun and educational
We have created a Farm Classroom full of interactive displays and activities to teach your students about agriculture in a way they will enjoy. They will leave with a better understanding of where their food, clothing and other necessities come from and a greater appreciation for agriculture.
We know as a teacher, your time is limited so we have created educational programs that help meet Utah state standards. Your students will learn while having a wonderful time on the farm!

Standard Field Trips Itinerary
Students will also have access to our Kiddie Corral (including our little buckaroo rodeo, petting zoo and games), Pedal Carts, Giant Slides, Large Corn Pit, Rubber Duck Races, Straw Bale Pyramid and MANY MORE activities to choose from!

Meet at our Farm School for a welcome and fun educational program. Length and topics will be adjusted based on the age of your students.

Giant Corn Maze
Navigate our giant 7 1/2 acre Maze! Choose from one of our three mazes ranging from short and sweet to challenging, yet fun! We have maps and an app for directions to help navigate quickly if needed.

Pumpkins come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Your students will love seeing all of the different pumpkins we have growing in our pumpkin patch. Pick a class pumpkin to take back to school with you.